Author: Rabbi Greg Harris

Meet Rabbi Megdal at Shul

August 6, 2021

It has been a wonderful first week with Rabbi Deborah Megdal at shul.  She only began this past Monday but has already been involved in countless Zoom meetings, informal coffees …

57 Hours in Israel

June 4, 2021

If we are ‘friends’ on Facebook, you have seen my video updates from Israel.  (Click here to get to my FB page for the messages.) This week, I participated in …

Happy Mothers’ Day

May 7, 2021

We used to visit Disneyland frequently.  My parents grew up in Southern California so family trips from the San Francisco Bay Area were common.  Here we are, probably 45 years …

Respect: A Lesson of Lag B’Omer

April 29, 2021

This is the fifth week of the month. For Reflections Off the Bimah, the fifth week is a bonus and features thought leaders from throughout the Jewish world and beyond. …

A Moment of Accountability

April 22, 2021

This is the fourth week of the month. For Reflections Off the Bimah, the fourth week features thought leaders from throughout the Jewish world and beyond. These special posts give you …

We Are Moses

March 25, 2021

This is the fourth week of the month. For Reflections Off the Bimah, the fourth week features thought leaders from throughout the Jewish world and beyond. These special posts give you …

Mad at a God I Don’t Believe In

March 5, 2021

I was recently speaking with a dad about his son’s studies for his bar mitzvah.  It was a conversation I have had dozens of times during the pandemic: how many …

Seven Principles of Jewish Leadership

February 25, 2021

This is the fourth week of the month. For Reflections Off the Bimah, the fourth week features thought leaders from throughout the Jewish world and beyond. These special posts give you …

International Holocaust Memorial Day

January 27, 2021

This is the fourth week of the month. For Reflections Off the Bimah, the fourth week features thought leaders from throughout the Jewish world and beyond. These special posts give you …

Being Uncomfortable

December 31, 2020

This is the fifth week of the month for Reflections Off the Bimah.  Today ends a very long and difficult year.  Tonight, we shift into 2021 with much anticipation of …