Home > Community > Israel > We Stand With Israel
Beth El unequivocally stands with Israel as it fights terrorists who have the expressed goal of destroying Israel. We pray for the dead, injured, and captive.
During this time of uncertainty, we will stand together. This page includes resources and information on opportunities to be in community with one another at Beth El and with our neighboring congregations.
A New Old Paradigm: A Jewish Path Forward – Congregant Larry Sidman
A New Paradigm for Loving Israel – Rabbi Greg Harris, Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Sermon
Introducing our Shaliach, Yoel Gleizer
Watch all Israel Sermons and Talks
Entries are listed from newest to oldest.
Click here to see more Israel blog posts.
Building on the productivity of Beth El’s Covid Task Force, clergy and leaders of key groups at Beth El are meeting weekly to discuss programs, education, support, security, and communications related to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. This group is working to support the myriad needs of our community – in the Beth El building, throughout our community, on college campuses, and in Israel. If you have any ideas for upcoming programming or resources you’ve found particularly relevant and useful to share, please contact the Beth El office at info@bethelmc.org.
SIGN: Demand Wikipedia to Address Bias and Ensure Neutrality on Zionism CALL: One Phone Call a Day Can Help Bring Them Home SEND: Letters of Hope Campaign
Beth El congregant Tom Warrick is a member of the Beth El Security Committee with three decades of experience with the State Department, Department of Homeland Security, and the Atlantic Council. Some of his areas of expertise include national strategies combatting counterterrorism, Israeli-Palestinian affairs, and countering terrorist propaganda. All opinions (denoted by italics below) are solely those of the author. Click here to download a PDF with all resources.
Books (available from all major booksellers; links below are to publishers):
Best non-U.S. English language media sites to understand the war:
Websites with war-related coverage and opinion pieces you don’t see elsewhere:
Interesting webcasts and virtual programming:
Reports and articles and source materials of note:
A short and partial list of interesting X (formerly Twitter) feeds:
Along with the resources compiled above by congregant Tom Warrick, here are additional resources that you may find useful:
News Articles