Home > News > We Need Healing
March 16, 2018 in Hazzan Asa Fradkin
Thoughts and Prayers aren’t enough, but we do need healing and we do need hope. We are extraordinarily proud to support the March For Our Lives that will come to D.C. on March 24th. These teenage leaders emerging from Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL are an inspiration to us all and have clearly caught the attention of their peers around this nation. Last Wednesday, hundreds of students at BCC and other High Schools in our area, walked out of class and down to the Capitol.
I’d call that belief in action!
And we need action to heal as well. Singing together, as I have noted in the past, has remarkable affects on our mental health. That’s why I’ve included the video below with a new Misheberach to help promote our healing.
We will have some kids from Shir Atid singing an Oseh Shalom with kids from the local churches.
Enjoy singing along to this Misheberach and join us for our special gatherings next Friday 3/23 and Friday 4/6 Shir Yachad
Shabbat Shalom!
Hazzan Fradkin